Tempus Joint European Project
Special Training for New Market Oriented Institutions

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Banking management

Distance banking service(ppt)

Distance banking service(pdf)

Centre of Institution Building


The wider objective of the project is: To promote the development of innovation development institution, institution of property evaluation, corporate governance institution and Banking system in economy of Russia. Project-specific objectives are:
• to establish Centre of Institution Building at each partner University on the basis of existing Centres of Further (life long) Education;
• to develop 16 new short-term special training courses according to European standards in Centers of Institution Building by August 2009 for the purpose of updating theoretical knowledge and practical skills of non-academic staff;
• to deliver 16 new short-term special training courses to trainees in Centers of Institution Building, which will update the qualification of practitioners of Russia in field of innovation management, property evaluation, corporate governance and bank management by December, 2009. Courses will be constantly improved during the project life on the basis of regular feedback from trainees. Convenient timetable for courses delivery appropriate for the needs of trainees of full-time and part-time employment will be worked out. The appropriate language and informatics training will be provided to the trainees. Courses will include the elements of distant learning.
The following courses will be developed:
1) Functioning organizations (business) cost evaluation (KSAEL)
2) Real estate cost evaluation (KSAEL)
3) Banking management (BSUEL)
4) Advertisement management and Public Relations (ASTU)
5) Development of the business-plan (USATU)
6) Innovation projects management and institutions of regional innovation system (USATU)
7) Intellectual propertyand intangible assets cos evaluation (KSAEL)
8) Distance banking service (BSUEL)
9) Application of WSFA when forming commercial bank accounts (BSUEL)
10) Financial planning and budgeting (ASTU)
11) Quality control (USATU)
12) Functioning organizations (business) cost evaluation (KSAEL)
13) Corporate management in power engineering (ASTU)
14) Insurance in banking practice (BSUEL)
15) Organization of corporate management (ASTU)
16) Innovation and entrepreneurship (USATU)

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