At the present time Russia is in process of gradual
transition to market relations. In this connection it is urgent to solve
the problems related to the reformation of the most significant groups
of institutions such as Institution of innovation development, Institution
of property evaluation, Institution of corporate governance and Banking
system which are the prospective fields of economic development of Russia.
But the development of these economic institutions is impossible without
providing practitioners with appropriate professional training, as the
main part of them was educated in the Soviet period of plannedcommanded
economy and is not able to realize business activity in new market conditions
At the same time partner Universities have a great potential including
substantioal material resourses, experience in sphere of updating the
qualification of practitioners and existing Centres of Further (long life)
Education which may be used for Centres of Institution Building establishment
with the purpose of development and delivery of special training courses
for mature specialists who are employed in sphere of innovation management,
evaluation activity, corporate governance and Banking system. Thus, the
necessity of practitioners’ advanced trainig and the opportuninty to use
partner Universities’ potential led to the project proposal to develop
special training courses for the purpose of updating the qualification
of mature specialists.
Established consortium includes: University of Genova, Genova, Italy (Project
Contractor), Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law, Khabarovsk,
Russia (Project Coordinator), Link Campus University of Malta, Rome, Italy,
University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, Nice, France, Technical University
of Kosice, Kosice, Slovakia, Ufa State Aviation Technical University,
Ufa, Russia, Baikal State University of Economics and Law, Irkutsk, Russia,
Altai State Technical University named after I. Polzunov, Barnaul, Russia,
Fond for Support of Innovations, Ufa, Russia, Khabarovsk Regional Branch
of the Russian Adjusters Society, Khabarovsk, Russia, Coordinating Banking
Council under the Governor of Irkutsk Region, Irkutsk, Russia, Labour
Department of the Administration of Altai Territory, Barnaul, Russia,
Individual expert (Mr. Horst Brezinski), University of Freiberg .
Non-acadenic partners incuded in the Consortium will provide the interaction
with organizations which staff will be the trainees of the developed soecial
training courses and render assistance in recruiting new trainees.
Meantime situation in Russian system of higher education substantially
differs from European standards. Due to the lack of two level training
and the lack of module system it is rather complicated to adapt educational
methodologies and approaches to European models of education. Educational
experience of European partner universities could contribute a lot into
implementation of this Project. The wider objective of the project is
to promote the development of innovation development institution, institution
of property evaluation, corporate governance institution and Banking system
in economy of Russia.
Project-specific objectives include the establishment of Centre of Institution
Building at each partner University on the basis of existing Centres of
Further (life long) Education, development of 16 new shortterm special
training courses according to European standards for the purpose of updating
theoretical knowledge and practical skills of non-academic staff, delivery
of 16 new short-term special training courses to target trainees in Centers
of Institution Building. Target trainees of special training courses is
non-academic staff employed in the sphere of Innovation activity, Evaluation
activity, Corporate governance and in Banking system.
The achievement of Project objectives will meet a great interest of all
Project partners. The achievement of set the project objectives requires
to carry out the following activities:
1. East-West visits of partner Universities' teachers to European Universities.
2. Development of 16 new short-term special training courses for practitioners
of Russia.
3. Approval of new training courses.
4. “Centres of Institutional Building” establishment.
5. Delivery of new training courses.
6. Visits of courses' supervisors from European Universities to partner
Universities of Russia.
7. Dissemination workshops.
8. Management of the project.
9. Project web-site design.