Bank Management: Prospective seminar for bankers

Propositions made by

Mathieu Paquerot

(Université de La Rochelle)

Gerard Lattes, Oliver Bruno

(University of Nice, France);

Olga Onoshko (BSUEL, Russia)


The aim is to make so that the auditors work by team of 5 or 6 persons on several subjects.

For each subjects proposed,

·        they will have to make a work in team

·        give a report of 6 pages

·        and make a presentation in front of the other participants (20 minutes)

·        A debate animated by the teacher will help the participants to improve their knowledge

Unite 1.                     Strategy

A)   Teacher will present Porter’s strategic analysis to the auditors

·        Classical SWOT analysis

·        Main strategies

1)     Present a SWOT analysis of your bank

·        Each team will present its analysis to the classroom

·        The teacher will help them to clarify some points

·        A discussion with the classroom have to be organized


2)     Subject 1 : Identification of the competitors in the bank industry in Russia

·        The different kind of bank on the Russian market

·        Their market share

·        Their strategies (national and international)

·        Their market (geographical market, customers, …)

·        Their differentiation tools

B)   Transaction cost theory (TCT) (see additional materials: strategy of services)

·        The teacher can present TCT

·        And its application to strategy

C)   Innovation theory (see additional materials: strategy of services)

·        The teacher can present some aspects about innovation in some industries

·        The different kind of innovation

3)     Identification of the latest innovation of your bank

·        Present the 5 latest innovations in your bank

·        Present the benefits of these innovations for :

·        Your bank

·        Your customers

·        You can use the transaction cost approach ( Money, Time, Risk) to structure your analysis

·        What do you think of these innovations?

4)     Proposition of  3 innovations

·        For each innovation you will give details about :

·        The advantages in terms of transaction costs for

o      your bank

o      and your customers

·        you will explain how these innovations can help to increase your differentiation

·        you will explain what kind of resources you need to involve in this process

·        you will estimate how the competitors can imitate your innovation and how you can try to avoid this to append.

D)   Resources and competences Theory (see additional materials: strategy of services)

·        The teacher will present the  theory (Hamel and Prahalad)

·        And it’s implication in strategy analysis

5)     Analyze your bank in terms of resources

·        Try to identify the resources of your bank (network of agencies, financial resources, political resources, …)

·        Try to identify and explain the main competences of your bank

·        A discussion with the classroom is necessary

E)   Sustainable Management and your bank (see additional materials: strategy of services)

·        The teacher will present some aspects about sustainable management

6)     Proposition of sustainable management in your bank

·        Make 3 propositions about sustainable management to implement in your bank

·        What resources and competences do you need

·        What kind of differentiation can it provide for your company

·        How do you communicate on this actions to your customers


F)    Merger and acquisition between banks in Russia

·        The teacher will explain the different kind of merger

·        The main motivations of mergers

7)     Mergers in Bank Industry in Russia

·        Analyze the latest one and their impact for the sector and the competitors

·        What are the next mergers in your opinion and why?

·        What could be their impact on your bank?

Unite 2.                     Marketing

A)   Segmentation

·        The teacher present the deferent kinds of segmentation

8)     Segmentation in your bank

·        Present the segmentation of your customers in your bank

·        Present the advantages and the limits of this segmentation

·        Present the different way you use this segmentation in your bank

·        If you had to improve your segmentation explain what you would like to change and why

B)   Individuals or family (See additional Presentation)

·        The teacher will present the two approaches

9)     What is your approach about family in your bank

·        What kind of approach do you have?

·        Why?

·        What could you improve in this approach?

C)   Event Marketing (See additional Presentation)

·        The teacher will explain the principles

10) Event marketing in your bank

·        Apply it to your customers from their birth until their death

D)   New services for customers (See additional Presentation)

·        The teacher will explain the news services provide to customers in Europe and USA

11)  New services propositions

·        Present 3 propositions of new services for your customers

·        Use the transaction cost approach to present the advantages for your customers and for the bank


E)   Customer loyalty (See additional materials (M.P.’s first article))

·        The teacher present some aspects about customer loyalty strategies

12) Retention of customers

·        What does your bank to keep its customers?

·        What is the percentage of customers that quit the bank in the year?

·        Why do they quit?

·        What are the profile of the customer that quit?

·        What can you do to avoid this? (3 propositions)


13) Present a proposition of Customer loyalty program in your bank

·        Make some propositions of Customer loyalty program in your bank

·        Explain the resources and competencies you need to involve in the program

·        Explain the effect in terms of differentiation for your bank

·        Explain the competitive advantages it implies for your bank

·        Try to identify the cost of this program for your bank

F)    Customer Relationship Management (CRM) (See additional materials (M.P.’s last article)

·        The teacher will explain the concepts of CRM

·        The different channels to provide services to customers

·        The problems of CRM

o      Coordination of the different channels

o      Information system problems

o      The repartition of power in the organization

o      The centralization of information about customers

o      (See Mathieu last article)

14) Analyze the CRM of your bank

·        Identify the different channels used by your bank

·        Identify the role of each channel

·        Identify the 5 main problems your organization has to face with CRM

·        Propose some solutions to cope with these problems

G)  Phone platform

15) You have to create a new phone platform for your customers

·        Explain the principles

·        What kind of services do you provides through this phone platform?

·        What complementarities do you provide between this phone platform and the bank agencies network?

·        What kind of resources do you need?

H)   E-banking

·        The teacher will present the main e-banking strategies in Europe and USA or Asia

16) Propose a e-banking strategy for your bank

·        Define the target

·        Define the competitors

·        Explain your strategy

I)       Customers recruitment campaign

17) Your campaign

·        Define the target

·        Define your strategy

·        Define the resources you need

·        Explain the organization and the incentive system for the employees (if there is one)

·        Analyze your proposition for the customer with the transaction cost theory


J)    Management of conflicts with customers

18) Conflicts

·        Explain the different kind of conflicts with your customers

·        Explain the strategy of your bank for each kind of conflict

·        What kind of resources are involved in the process?

·        What kind of competencies do you need from the employees?

·        How do you develop or increase this competencies

Unite 3.                     Management


19) Employee’s Ages pyramid in your bank

·        Identify

·        Analyze

·        What does it means for recruitments in

o      5 years

o      10 years

o      15 years

o      20 years

·        What do you plan to do about it ?

20) New competences of the human resources

·        Identify the elements of the environment that can imply some new needs in terms of competences (information technologies, demography, …)

·        Identify the news needs

·        How can you create or recruit theses new competences

21) Careers evolution in your bank


22) Main management problems in human resource management in bank

·        Identify

·        Analyze

·        What do you propose to face the three main problems you have identify